Monday, January 16, 2017

Hawaii Day 3: Makapu‘u Point

After sacrament meeting, Jill dropped me back at the house so I could get a run in before the rest of the family returned from church. I enjoyed having a few hours to myself to tool around the local neighborhoods in preparation for my marathon in 3 weeks. Kudos to my virtual running buddy, Kaitlin, who crushed her 20-mile long run today. 

I, on the other hand, did not crush 20 miles. The only thing I crushed today was some kalua pig, ube, and pineapple in li hing powder during our family luau dinner tonight. 

Post-church/lunch, we drove Oahu's southeastern coastline to Makapu'u Point. The 2-mile roundtrip trail gains about 500ft. of elevation, so hikers get some really spectacular views of Koko Head, tidal pools, and the scenic shoreline of Makapu'u Beach. And whales. We got to see a lot of breaching humpback whales. I unfortunately have no pictures of the whales because it's too difficult to time the camera shot. Speaking of camera shots, these photos don't do justice to these views because of the volcanic fog ("vog"). 

After the hike, my three little minions and I got in some quality Shel Silverstein time before dinner. Kudos to the parents out there. Kids are exhausting. I love my nieces and nephew and I am getting PRIME snuggles this week, but I don't know how parents do it ALL. THE. TIME.

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